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http://www.writeintoaction.com/Cathy O'Brien JonBenet.html |
How can the rape and abuse of a child be deemed a matter of National Security?
Cathy O’Brien, a de-programmed victim and survivor of a CIA mind control program asked the question that may solve the murder of JonBenet Ramsey.
Millions knew immediately that‘something wasn’t right’ about the circumstances surrounding the murder of JonBenet.
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JonBenet Ramsey |
Something was wrong – and everyone knew it.
Police responded to the Boulder, Colorado home of John and Patsy Ramsey on December 26, 1996 after receiving a 911 call from Patsy Ramsey who reported she’d found a ransom note for her kidnapped daughter.
Several hours later JonBenet, 6, was found dead in the basement wine cellar by her father.
JonBenet had been bound, gagged with duct-tape, sexually assaulted, systemically asphyxiated with a sophisticated choking device called a garrote, shocked with a stun-gun, and suffered a fractured skull.
John and Patsy Ramsey said they heard nothing.
According to the Ramsey’s, the horrendous and complicated crime that involved a sophisticated torture tool, as well as a long rambling ransom note written with a pen from their home, all took place inside the house as they slept soundly.
Two decades passed.
Was JonBenet killed by a stranger or by her parents?
The question raged.
Write Into Action's ongoing investigation has now led to a question that needs an answer.
What if…
What if JonBenet was killed by her parents, as well as a third party?
Cathy O’Brien is a surviving victim of a trauma based mind control program and her memories were restored by Mark Phillips, a former U.S. Government contractor familiar with the Top Secret program used on her.
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Cathy O'Brien |
O’Brien and Phillips are whistleblower and co-authors of the books ‘Access Denied – For Reasons of National Security’ and ‘Trance-Formation of America’.
O’Brien’s observes the evidence of the JonBenet Ramsey murder as the result of a torture session involving controlled asphyxiation, electric shock, and sexual assault during a mind-control programming session.
According to the FBI, the evidence surrounding the JonBenet Ramsey murder did not fit any known profile.
Or did it?
Did the evidence actually fit the profile of a top secret government program that was subsequently deemed a matter of National Security?
In an exclusive interview with Write Into Action, Cathy O’Brien discussed astonishing information about the Ramsey murder.
“Alan Dershowitz referred to a military video found in the Ramsey house that was censored under National Security,” O’Brien told Write Into Action.
The revelation is profound.
Attorney Alan Dershowitz is a high profile legal scholar and Harvard professor famous for his work on cases including Patty Hearst, Mike Tyson, Jim Baker, and the O.J. Simpson case. He was also implicated in the pedophile island scandal involving Jefferey Epstein and Bill Clinton, among others.
Indeed – John Ramsey was a multi-millionaire affiliated with the military.
In 1989, John Ramsey formed the Advanced Product Group, one of three companies that merged to become Access Graphics. He became president and chief executive officer of Access Graphics, a computer services company and a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin.
O’Brien said she was used in a military video; and a military video was found in the Ramsey home.
“It was reportedly identified as the military video I was used in titled "How to Create a Mind Control Slave using a Stun Gun,” O’Brien said.
She continued.
“Dershowitz stated on televised news that justice would never be obtained in the Ramsey case for "Reasons of National Security," O’Brien said.
O’Brien then asked the hundred thousand dollar question. “The abuse and cover up of that child's death raises the question what National Security has to do with the death of a child.”
In October, 2013 FOX NEWS reported, “Ramsey grand jury accused JonBenet's parents in death, but prosecutor declined to bring charges.”
The news report is nothing less than astonishing.
“Court documents released Friday reveal that a 1999 grand jury voted to indict John and Patsy Ramsey of child abuse resulting in death and being an accessory to a crime, including murder, in connection to their 6-year-old daughter JonBenét, but a prosecutor declined to sign it citing a lack of evidence,” FOX reported.
It continued.
“The grand jury's indictment papers did not indicate who killed the young beauty queen. The charges didn't directly accuse the Ramseys of killing their daughter, but alleged they permitted JonBenét to be placed in a dangerous situation that led to her death and it accused them of helping the killer, who has never been brought to justice,” FOX reported.
“…they permitted JonBenét to be placed in a dangerous situation that led to her death.”
Cathy O’Brien said she born into multi-generational incest and was sold into the government mind-control program by her father after he was caught sending child pornography of her through the U.S. Mail.
O’Brien said her father was offered the opportunity to escape criminal charges if he sold her into the program. The sale was brokered by Gerald Ford; the man who would later become the un-elected President of the United States.
“My father and JonBenet's father were actually documented together on a ferry ride from Traverse City to Beaver Island (so-called "religious" center) near Charlevoix, Michigan,” O’Brien said.
The Ramsey’s had a home in Charlevoix.
“Also, Patsy Ramsey as Miss West Virginia was associated with my owner US Senator Robert C. Byrd,” O’Brien said.
O’Brien openly names and implicates very high profile politicians including George Bush, Rick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Ronald Regan, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and may others.
O’Brien said she was sexually abused by Hillary Clinton.
O’Brien said her daughter Kelly has yet to receive rehabilitation for her shattered personality that was programmed through the high tech sophistication of Project Monarch, which uses trauma-based mind control procedures.
“Due to the political power of our abusers, all efforts to obtain her inalienable right to rehabilitation and seek justice have been blocked under the guise of so-called ‘National Security’. As a result, Kelly remains untreated in the custody of the State of Tennessee,” O’Brien said.
And the question again becomes…
How can the rape and abuse of a child be deemed a matter of National Security?
“It is my patriotic respect for the principles of truth, justice, and ultimately that freedom on which America was founded that compels me to expose the world domination motivations of those in control of our government, commonly referred to as the Shadow Government,” O’Brien said.
O’Brien’s mention of the Shadow Government is compelling.
In 2015, Danielle Kekoa, Northglenn, Colorado was contacted by a special agent of the Denver FBI regarding information she had about Denver Bible Church (DBC).
It’s a big deal.
Danielle Kekoa, and her husband, Curtis Kekoa, are defectors of DBC that fled with their children after realizing Rev. Bob Enyart, the church pastor, was a Satanist and cult leader that was committing murders.
The Kekoa's accountings of Enyart being a serial killer are similar to recollections of O'Brien.
O'Brien said she personally witnessed a figure in the country music industry shoot a homeless man right between the eyes and then cut off his hands; the hands were then given to mercenaries as a mind-control cue for what the handlers wanted done.
The Kekoa’s categorically told the Boulder Police Department and FBI that Enyart was involved in the murder of JonBenet Ramsey.
Enyart is the author of a written manifesto wherein he describes his plan to overthrow the United States Government – the treasonous manifesto is published on Enyart’s website www.shadowgov.com.
In 2013, Write Into Action (Timothy Charles Holmseth) conducted extensive interviews with a victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse.
The victim described how at six years-old (same age as JonBenet), her father asphyxiated her (same as JonBenet) by holding her head under water in the bath tub while anally raping her (JonBenet was sexually assaulted). She also recalled being rolled up in a large carpet by her father; passed through the basement window; placed in the car trunk and driven to a location where men with hoods and robes were doing some kind of ritual.
Near death by asphyxiation is used during sessions of trauma-based mind control and Satanic Ritual Abuse to create psychological compartments in the human mind for what was once known as multiple personalities – now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder.
The content of Timothy Holmseth’s interviews with the victim were memorialized and time-stamped on You Tube in rough acoustic demos of two songs written immediately after interviews.
The song entitled “Vibrate” is based upon the victim’s recollection that when she was a little girl she would stand in the mirror and sing for hours because she wasn’t sure if she was alive or not – but when she sang she could feel herself vibrate (thus she knew she was 'there'). .
The song entitled “Turpentine” is based upon something the victim’s mother once told her about her father.
O’Brien and Phillips are whistleblower and co-authors of the books ‘Access Denied – For Reasons of National Security’ and ‘Trance-Formation of America’.
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