Danielle Kekoa, Northglenn, Colorado, was contacted by a special agent on November 5 regarding any information she may have regarding the Church, which Danielle Kekoa and her husband, Curtis Kekoa, describe as a cult.
The Kekoa’s have publically stated they believe Robert Enyart, the pastor of Denver Bible Church, is a serial killer involved in the murder of JonBenet Ramsey.
Write Into Action has been contacted regarding the November 12, 2015 story.
Multiple individuals, including a highly respected person with a nationally recognizable name, have come forward with information regarding Enyart.
Per any pending FBI investigation, Write Into Action is withholding all the names (except Danielle and Curtis Kekoa).
Multiple individuals described Enyart as “evil” and “dangerous”.
“He started his church because his radio show went under and he needed money,” one former church member said. “We’ll never have anything to do with him again,” the person added.
“He is perhaps the most dishonest and deceptive man I have ever met in my life. He is a blatant liar and his whole thing is to try to get people into worshipping him,” the source said.
“You’re not dealing with a Christian entity,” he/she added.
The following information was received by eyewitnesses and/or former church members regarding Enyart’s practices as they relate to Curtis and Danielle Kekoa.
- Curtis and Danielle Kekoa know something that has Robert Enyart very scared.
- “[Robert Enyart] wants to control everything [Curtis and Danielle Kekoa] say and do because he’s afraid of something [they are] going to say”.
- Enyart provides marital counseling, within his capacity as a pastor, to his church members, and then uses the confidential information to his advantage moving forward. He harvests very sensitive and private information from married couples about their private lives during sessions, and then uses the information to craft extortion and blackmail campaigns.
- Enyart provided marital counseling to the Kekoa’s. He then shared information from the private marital counseling sessions with others.
- Enyart diabolically initiated a (false) CPS complaint against the Kekoa’s using members of the church to assist him (the Kekoa’s were completely cleared upon a CPS investigation).
- Enyart’s motivation to file a false CPS complaint against the Kekoa’s was to discredit the Kekoa’s as witnesses regarding something they knew/know about him.
- Enyart was confronted by multiple male church members after it was discovered he was meeting alone with a female church member to provide marital counseling and recommending she divorce her husband.
- Enyart claims to have his office computer checked routinely to assure he is not looking at pornography.
- Enyart is obsessed with mind-controlling his members and was repeatedly compared to the infamous Rev. Jim Jones.
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