Why Steven Avery deserves a new trial—by Timothy Charles Holmseth
My name is Timothy Charles Holmseth.
I am only one of thousands across the United States that was almost “Steven Avery”.
I survived a plot by a ‘Shadow Government’ that attempted to
frame me for rape and murder of a missing child named HaLeigh Ann-Marie
I would later learn the operatives that attempted to frame me were associated with a man from Colorado named Rev. Bob Enyart.
Enyart is described as a “shot caller” of organized criminal activities by Special Agent Kimberly Milka, Denver FBI.
Enyart authored a written Manifesto describing the “Shadow
Government” he erected, which he plans to use to subvert the laws of the
United States.
Enyart’s is alleged by former church members to be a satanic
cult leader that is responsible for murders and elaborate frame-ups all
over the world.
Curtis and Danielle Kekoa, defectors of Enyart’s cult claim he murdered JonBenet Ramsey in 1996.
Enyart’s fake church is presently under investigation by the
FBI for his possible involvement in the Planned Parenthood shooting in
Colorado Springs in November of 2015.
In December, 2015, my publication was contacted and told Enyart was involved in framing a man named Steven Avery, Wisconsin.
After watching the Netflix documentary ‘Making a Murderer’ I
realized I was observing what appeared to be a textbook ‘Shadow
Government’ operation.
Steven Avery |
Therefore - I am writing this in support of a new trial for Steven Avery.
At 47, I am an award-winning (former) newspaper reporter and
media specialist. I have been awarded first place awards for my
reporting and writing by the North Dakota Newspaper Association.
I have been interviewed by the FBI and deemed a credible
witness. I have passed a federal background check and received clearance
from the Department of Commerce to enter secure areas of a locked
federal facility.
I was awarded sole-physical custody of my daughter when she
was five years-old and raised her, alone, to adulthood. She now studies
at the University of Minnesota and has made me a very proud grandfather.
I also share legal custody of my minor son.
HaLeigh Cummings, 5, was reported missing from her Satsuma, Florida home on February 10, 2009.
In the spring of 2009, I began conducting recorded interviews with key figures in HaLeigh’s mysterious disappearance.
I have interviewed, or obtained information, including
documents, recordings, and media from approximately 100 different
individuals including law enforcement officers, lawyers, family
members, witnesses, and others regarding the Cummings case.
In the spring of 2009, I interviewed William Staubs (a.k.a.
Cobra), a Florida bail-bondsman with a private investigator’s license
for the first time.
I subsequently interviewed his entire team of associates.
Staubs claimed to be working (at any given time) for at least five different entities on the Cummings case.
I also know that Staubs has worked for the federal government and been paid as an informant.
During the course of the national profile search for HaLeigh
Cummings, Staubs was arrested for felony false imprisonment of a man. I
later learned Staubs was trying to frame the man for HaLeigh’s
I possess faxed items from a South Florida law office sent to
Staubs regarding the targted man, which shows who all was behind the
attempted frame-up.
At that time in 2009, Staubs told Jessica Clark, a news
reporter for First Coast News that he had been sent into the HaLeigh
Cummings case by Rev. Richard Grund (Casey Anthony murder trial
witness) and said he was being paid by a “drug dealer from Miami”.
Staubs told me HaLeigh’s kidnapping was a “family thing” and she was alive.
Staubs directly named a licensed member of the Florida legal
community, who he said solicited his assistance to frame two people for
the murder of HaLeigh Cummings; a black man named Gregory Lewis Page,
and (a white girl) Misty Jeanette Croslin.
Croslin is the teenage girl that law enforcement says was with
HaLeigh the night she was kidnapped. Staubs said he was asked to frame
Croslin and Page for the murder of HaLeigh Cummings.
But, HaLeigh Cummings wasn’t dead, and I would soon learn that she was not in good hands.
During my initial interviews, I captured Staubs on audio
talking to a Florida DCF child protection social worker, Bonnie Warner,
who he called at her home after business hours. Staubs talked to Warner
about a CD she received that contained photographs of HaLeigh that had
been Photoshopped.
During the conversation between Warner and Staubs, Warner
admits to receiving the CD and says it is the CD she couldn’t show to
her supervisor.
Why is a Florida DCF social worker receiving a CD she can’t show to her supervisor, I wondered?
In time I would learn why.
The (recorded) conversation between Staubs and Warner was
extremely concerning because it involved another participant in what I
would soon realize was a child sex-trafficking ring. The other
participant discussed was Chris Middleton, an investigator for the
State’s Attorney’s office.
Staubs would also go on to tell me that Capt. Dominic
Piscitello, PCSO, was his inside man at the Sheriff’s Office. He also
told me about law enforcement officers and agencies in South Florida
he was assisting with what he called “black ops”.
Staubs further boasted a deep relationship with Putnam County
Sheriff Jeff Hardy and said Hardy was going to write a letter on his
behalf to get the felony charges against him dropped.
Pay very close attention to the facts Staubs is connected to
federal and state law enforcement (and don’t doubt it because I have it
on tape).
What I did not know at the time; but learned as I continued to
conduct recorded interviews with Donald Knop, an employee of a South
Florida law office, was that he (Knop) was the one that handed the CD
to Warner per instructions from his employer.
I also learned this…
The CD contained secret naked photographs of HaLeigh that featured the five year-old child’s sexually assaulted private parts.
Yes – she’d been raped.
HaLeigh had been raped, but Warner (a child protection social worker) couldn’t show the photos to her DCF supervisor.
I also learned Knop gave Warner the CD in a gas station
parking lot after DCF hours. It was secret and was never entered into
evidence with DCF or law enforcement.
As the picture emerged – I realized HaLeigh Cummings had
mysteriously vanished; Staubs and others (some were police and FDLE)
were discussing how to frame innocent people; and, they possessed naked
photos of the little girl after she had been raped.
But there’s more.
I learned from Crystal Sheffield’s (HaLeigh’s mother) high
profile victim’s advocate and author, Wayanne Kruger, a man named John
Regan and his son, Jeremiah Regan, told her the “FBI” already had
HaLeigh in their possession, but wanted to keep it quiet for the time
John and Jeremiah Regan were in regular contact with Staubs, Grund, and Crystal Sheffield’s entire legal team.
They all knew HaLeigh was alive and child porn of her was being circulated.
Kruger told me she wanted to tell the police about HaLeigh
being alive, but, she said, the Regan’s wouldn’t let her out of the car.
She said she was subsequently intimidated by Staubs with a gun, and
then poisoned by Staubs and Jeremiah Regan in a motel room, which
almost killed her.
The poisoning and gun incident was reported to the police when
it happened. They showed up and talked to Kruger. She was drugged and
had suffered a mild heart-attack.
No arrests were made.
Kruger also said that John Regan told her law enforcement
officers, public officials, and community leaders throughout Palatka,
and Putnam County, Florida, were running a child sex trafficking
operation. She told me John Regan drove her to one of the houses used
to keep the children as they were trafficked through the hub.
Kruger told me John Regan was a pastor, and that he said he
was an “undercover pedophile” that goes undercover for the FBI to catch
other pedophiles.
I was also told by a local resident that John Regan
impersonated an FBI agent during a fake family search for HaLeigh, where
multiple items were found; the items created the appearance HaLeigh
had been murdered.
I asked Special Agent A. J. Eilermann, Minneapolis FBI, during
my FBI interview, why they would have planted that fake evidence.
Eilermann said, “So people will stop looking for her”.
I was told by multiple witnesses that John Regan claimed to be
a “FBI agent” “CIA agent” and “Chaplain” for the police department with
his own “badge” that he was brandishing.
According to Rev. Richard Grund, John Regan impersonated law
enforcement and brandished a badge to Airport Security in an
international airport (federal offense).
During a recorded conversation with Major Gary Bowling,
Director of Law Enforcement, Putnam County Sheriff’s Office, Bowling
told me the Sheriff’s Office knew the items of (fake) evidence found by
Staubs, Regan, and the others were planted.
I contacted the Florida Attorney General, FBI, FDLE, Polk
County Sheriff’s Office (Minnesota) East Grand Forks Police Department
(Minnesota), Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) and
several other agencies.
Here’s what happened.
I came under full attack by what I have since learned is best described by Bob Enyart - ‘Shadow Government’.
The attacks continue to this day.
The attacks involve death threats, extortion, harassment,
institutional harassment (i.e. – false police reports, false CPS
complaints, gang-stalking, etc.)
Despite the attacks, I continued to record interviews and obtain evidence regarding HaLeigh’s disappearance.
In 2011, the ‘Shadow Government’ developed a plan to frame me for the rape and murder of HaLeigh Cummings.
Spoiler Alert – they erroneously believed I possessed the
secret naked photos of HaLeigh Cummings. They believed I possessed the
photos because I was able to describe the pictures in expositive
articles as I continued to expose the kidnappers and traffickers.
Believing I possessed those photos - here’s how they tried to frame me.
I was telephoned by a deranged psychopath
law enforcement impersonator named
Levi Page, and an equally-as-demented woman, Tina Church, who
proceeded to ask me bizarre sexual questions about a person I had never
However, I, enjoying a legal contract with the person being
referenced by Page and Church, had journalistically interviewed the
person. During those interviews I captured incriminating statements on
audio; the person would later be alleged to have handled the secret
naked photographs of HaLeigh Cummings.
So, why was Page and Church asking me the sexually charged questions?
Because, there was a plan underway to fraudulently obtain a
domestic violence protection order against me in a Florida divorce court
using Florida dating (relationship) law, which would order I
retroactively remove information I had obtained and published about the
HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping, from my website.
Forcing a reporter and publisher to retroactively remove
content is clearly a violation of the First Amendment to the United
States Constitution.
The court filing was ultimately made by a person I had never personally met in my entire life.
Page and Church attempted to solicit statements from me (hoping
I would respond to sex based questions) that could be weaved into a
protection order petition (I refused to answer their sick questions so
they obtained nothing).
Immediately after we got off the telephone, Church telephoned
the East Grand Forks Police Department (EGFPD) and falsely stated that I
had just told her on the telephone I had HaLeigh Cummings in my
apartment. EGFPD officers were dispatched to my home to clear the call
and make sure the missing child was not with me.
The false police report by Church (strategically) generated a
police incident report, which was part of the overall plan to frame me
for rape and murder.
Here’s how they tried to do it.
Following the visit by the EGFPD, a corrupt EGFPD officer,
Aeisso Schrage, began a steady campaign against me that involved
randomly knocking on my door and asking me if I was smoking pot (I do
not use drugs or alcohol – sober 20 years today - January 10, 2016).
Schrage is the Commander of the Minnesota Pine to Prairie Gang
and Drug Task Force. He was knocking on my door to ask me about ‘drugs’
so he could generate police incident reports that made it look like I
was a ‘drug dealer’.
Schrage was setting up future corrupt acts.
As you will see, the police incident reports would later be
used to obtain a Search Warrant so the EGFPD could seize my hard-drive.
The before-mentioned domestic violence protection order was
granted against me (a Minnesota resident that had never been to
Florida) by a Florida judge. I did not travel to Florida for the court
hearing because I had been telephoned (recorded) and emailed in
advance, and warned I would be murdered by the Mob if came to Florida
for the hearing.
I reported the death threats (recorded) to Lt. Rodney Hajicek,
EGFPD, who took no action whatsoever and generated no report to
memorialize it.
That’s strange, eh? No report kept by Lt. Hajicek.
Well, no, not so much – keep reading.
On December 14, 2013, the Minnesota Pine to Prairie Gang and
Drug Task Force raided my home-office with guns wearing bullet proof
vests. The Task Force had a Search Warrant signed by a Minnesota judge
that had been requested by Schrage and ordered the seizure of my
computer, hard-drive, storage devices, and other items.
The police took my computer and property to an undisclosed
location (the EGFPD kept absolutely no evidence log of the whereabouts
of my property for three months) and searched the hell out of it.
Because, they were hoping they would find the naked pictures
of HaLeigh Cummings on my hard-drive, which would be possession of child
Why did they think I had those pictures?
Yes, the EGFPD was assisting child sex traffickers and
baby-rapers; against a Christian journalist-single-father that was
trying to help the FBI locate a five year-old that was being raped.
Those are facts and the EGFPD cannot dispute them.
I subsequently filed a Motion to the Minnesota Court because
Schrage and the EGFPD deliberately destroyed my hard-drive before giving
it back.
During the court hearing before Judge Tamara Yon, Sgt.
Investigator Michael Norland, Polk County Sheriff’s Office, testified on
the stand he had searched my hard-drive but found ‘no sign of criminal
Now – think about it, folks.
If the police would have found copies of the naked photographs
of HaLeigh Cummings on my computer; in addition to the police incident
report that recorded I claimed to have HaLeigh Cummings in my
apartment; it would have appeared I raped and murdered the child and
disposed of her body.
I am an intelligent seasoned journalist that scores high in legal aptitude -
and they just about got me.
Don’t even think twice that Steven Avery couldn’t have been set up by ‘Shadow Government’ operatives.
Steven Avery deserves a new trial.
*For more info visit: